College and Career Readiness programs


College and Career Readiness programs

Dunlap High School provides high-quality educational programs, resources, and training ​for all students. In order to support and enhance the development of college and career ​ready students, DHS provides a blend of academic and career & technical education ​guidance, leadership, and assistance to help students prepare for their futures.​

College/Career Ready . . .

College/Career Ready . . .

What does it mean to be college & career ready?

Dunlap High School defines college/career ready graduates as having the skills and motivation to pursue a self-​directed goal, being able to adapt to challenges along the way, and knowing the options to obtain their post-​secondary career. It is our goal that all graduating seniors will have a defined plan and be college/career ready ​when they complete high school. Through various partnerships, the Illinois State Board of Education has provided ​different guidance and programs to help educators and families make informed decisions about how to be ​prepare students for life after high school graduation:

  • PaCE Framework - an outline of activities and opportunities students should do each year ​of high school
  • CCRI - College and Career Readiness Indicators provide an opportunity for students to be ​recognized for their college and career readiness work
  • CCPE - College and Career Pathway Endorsements are approved programs that position ​students to either enter college or a career with appropriate skills/coursework.

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PaCE . . .

PaCE . . .

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The DHS PaCE Framework is an individualized learning plan that will provide ​guidance to students, families, and educators on what types of experiences ​and information a student should have in order to make the most informed ​decisions about college and career planning. This IL PACE Framework has ​been adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Board of High ​Education, Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois Student ​Assistance Commission. The DHS PACE Framework is an adapted version to ​help give the students a more tailored experience here at DHS.

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Click the link for the DHS PaCE Framework

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PaCE Student Checklist . . .

The PaCE Student Checklist is a tool to help students prepare for life after ​high school. Students can use this checklist at each grade level to explore ​activities and experiences that can help them prepare for college and ​career. This checklist is organized around the same three key areas as the ​Illinois PaCE Framework: Career, Money, College.

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  • Complete a career cluster ​survey and a career interest ​survey
  • Explore career clusters
  • Research one or two career(s) ​you might be interested in ​based on your survey results:
    • What education is needed?
    • What skills are needed?
    • Talk to someone in those ​career(s)
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  • Plan to attend a presentation on ​financial aid
  • Research how much it would cost to ​attend . . .
    • In-state 4 year public / private ​colleges or universities
    • Out-of-state 4 year public / ​private colleges or universities
    • Local community colleges
    • Trade, vocational, and technical ​colleges
  • Compare colleges and degree ​programs by cost


  • Talk to your counselor about classes ​that will prepare you for after high ​school
  • Talk to your counselor about how grades ​and attendance can affect future plans
  • Attend a postsecondary options ​workshop
  • Talk to your counselor about AP and ​dual credit courses
  • Get involved in school clubs, ​extracurricular activities, and ​community service projects that relate ​to your career interest - it will help with ​your future
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10th Grad​e




  • Talk to 2-3 adults (teacher, coach, counselor, mentor) ​about help in preparing for future career
  • Know your current GPA and the GPA requirement for your ​college of interest and figure out what needs to be worked ​on to achieve the needed GPA
  • Research the differences in programs offered in associate’s, ​bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees
  • Research differences between a community college vs. a 4 ​yr university/college vs. a trade school
  • Research what entrance exams need to be taken (ACT or ​SAT)
  • Talk to your counselor about AP and dual credit courses
  • Continue to explore the ​different career clusters
  • From the researched ​careers, pick one and make ​a plan to get you there
  • Talk to counselor about a ​CCPE being offered in this ​area
  • Research salaries and ​education for this career at ​the entry level and top level
  • Plan to attend a ​presentation on ​financial aid with an ​adult family member
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11th Grad​e


  • Retake the career interest survey from ​9th grade
  • Have a teacher or counselor help you ​prepare for a job by:
    • Doing mock interviews
    • Reviewing your resume’
  • Explore and visit at least one workplace ​aligned with career interests (Job ​Shadow)
  • Create a personal statement for your ​college application and have a teacher ​provide you with feedback
  • Continue to participate in career days ​and career activities offered by the ​school
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  • Check college websites for ​priority deadlines for filing ​FAFSA
  • If interested in trade / ​vocational / technical ​programs, look up ​application deadlines, cost, ​and whether or not the ​school accepts financial aid


  • Determine eligibility and enroll in either dual ​credit, AP, transitional or credit recovery ​courses
  • Make arrangements to take the SAT or ACT ​exam
  • Explore 3-5 colleges either in-person or virtual
  • Gather information regarding your colleges ​regarding cost, scholarship offerings, and ​programs offered
  • Research your chosen colleges for application ​deadlines, fees, and requirements
  • Make sure to have at least one safety school, ​three match schools, and one reach school to ​apply to
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12th Grad​e


  • Talk to your counselor to see if you ​need to take any additional Math or ​ELA classes
  • Make sure all classes for a CCPE ​certificate have been met
  • Complete 1-2 experiences within the ​Work Based-Learning Continuum

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  • Complete FAFSA, if help is needed ​attend a financial aid workshop
  • Once you start receiving financial aid ​offers, talk to your counselor and your ​parents to discuss what school you ​would like to attend
  • Research the difference between ​federal government loans and private ​loans . . . look at terms, conditions, and ​repayment options


  • Be sure to address any ​remedial needs in Math and ​ELA
  • Apply to at least 3 ​postsecondary institutions
  • Meet with counselor to ensure ​that all steps in the ​postsecondary process is ​complete
  • Ask for application waivers if ​needed
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CCPE . . .

CCPE . . .

A CCPE is a College and Career Pathway ​Endorsement. Students will earn this ​endorsement by developing an individualized ​learning plan, completing a career-focused ​instructional sequence and professional ​learning opportunities.

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College and Career ​Pathway ​Endorsement ​Framework

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Each student completing an endorsement must have an individualized plan, which includes college ​planning linked to early understanding of career goals, financial aid, resume, and personal statement.


Awareness, exploration, and preparation activities that provide opportunities for students to interact ​with adults in their workplace

9th 10th

At least 2 career exploration activities or

1 intensive experience

At least 2 team-based challenges with adult mentoring

11th 12th

60 cumulative hours of paid or credit supervised career

development experience with a professional skills assessment

Through these experiences, a student gains essential employability and ​technical competencies in their identified sector.


Two years of secondary coursework, or equivalent competencies, that articulate to a postsecondary ​credential with labor market value. Must include at least 6 hours of early college credit.


Orientation / Introduction




Skill Development

Capstone / Advanced Courses


Ready for non-remedial coursework in reading and math by high school graduation through criteria ​defined by district and local community college

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College Incentives . . .

A growing number of institutions are offering incentives to students who ​have earned a CCPE to help attract high school students into the secondary ​to postsecondary pathways and increase college completion rates for these ​students . . .

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Statewide College Incentives . . .

A growing number of institutions are ​offering incentives to students who ​have earned a CCPE to help attract high ​school students into the secondary to ​postsecondary pathways and increase ​college completion rates for these ​students . . .

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Northern Illinois University

NIU College of Education and EdSystems ​announced new incentives for Illinois ​students graduating with the CCPE in ​Education. Students with the endorsement ​are automatically advanced as finalists to ​receive select scholarships and to ​participate in the college’s innovative ​Educate and Engage program.

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Chicago State University

Chicago State University ​announced students who earn ​their CCPE in Education and apply ​for the Diverse Scholars in ​Education Scholarship or Call Me ​Mister Program are automatically ​advanced as finalists.

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Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois

In December 2020, EdSystems announced ​a partnership with Golden Apple Scholars ​of Illinois which is automatically advancing ​any applicants who have earned or are on ​track to earn the CCPE to the final stage of ​the application process.

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Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship

Available to any CCPE graduates as early ​as freshman year for up to $7,500 per year.

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Scaling Transformative Advanced ​Manufacturing Pathways

The Illinois Manufacturer’s Association ​(IMA) Education Foundation, in partnership ​with EdSystems, is offering a $500 ​scholarship to Illinois students who ​graduate high school having earned the ​CCPE in manufacturing.

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Community College

Pathway Equity &

Currency . . .

In 2022, EdSystems launched a network of community ​colleges that are offering unique and specific currency ​for CCPE earners in various industry fields outside of ​education.

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Blackhawk Community College

Students who earn the College and Career Pathway Endorsement (in any ​pathway) will receive a $100 award and can apply to be a part of the new ​“CCPE Program,” which includes dynamic experiential learning and career-​focused studies.

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Illinois Valley Community College

Tuition waivers for one three-credit hour course will be awarded to up to 20 ​students who earn the College and Career Pathway Endorsement on their ​transcript in either health sciences and technology or manufacturing, ​engineering, technology, and trades. The tuition waiver has a financial ​value of approximately $400 for students.

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Joliet Junior College

High school students who earned the College and Career Pathway ​Endorsement in any pathway sector will receive a tuition waiver for one ​three-credit hour course. Students must enroll in at least six credit hours to ​be eligible for the tuition waiver, valued at approximately $500 per student.

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Kaskaskia College

Students earning a College and Career Pathway Endorsement in agriculture ​will receive a one-credit tuition waiver upon enrollment, at a financial ​savings of $136.

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Parkland College

College and Career Pathway Endorsement students who earn ​an industry-recognized credential in health sciences and ​technology — Certified Nurse Assistant, Emergency Medical ​Technician, or Sterile Processing Technician — while in high ​school will have the opportunity to receive guaranteed ​placement in the Nursing or Allied Health Pathway, which has ​a selective admissions process.

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Sauk Valley Community College

High school students who earn a CCPE and take BIO 108 at SVCC will receive ​additional application points toward admission into the Licensed Practical ​Nurse program.

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The following are the College and Career ​Pathways that are being offered by Dunlap ​High School.

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  1. All DHS students must complete graduation ​requirements
  2. All courses can be transferred to ICC for credit ​towards a subject area certificate or degree
  3. All pathways require 2 early college courses

Education -

Elementary, Secondary, Special Ed

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Associates Degree in Accountancy

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  • Software Apps
  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience
    • 60 hours min
    • paid or unpaid
    • job specific requirements


  • ECON 110
  • ECON 111
  • MATH 135
  • ACCTG 120
  • ACCTG 121

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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Accounting Bookkeeper certificate

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  • Software Apps
  • Accounting I
  • Accounting II
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience
    • 60 hours min
    • paid or unpaid
    • job specific requirements


  • BUS 110
  • ACCTG 105
  • ACCTG 108
  • ACCTG 120
  • ACCTG 121

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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  • Software Apps
  • Health
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience

  • BIO 111 - Concepts in Biology
  • HLTH 112 / 386 - CNA Training
    • 60 hours min
    • paid or unpaid
    • job specific requirements


  • BIO 140 - Anatomy & Physiology
  • Medical Terminology

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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Coming Soon . . . .

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Coming Soon . . . .

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Elementary, Secondary, Special Education

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  • Software Apps
  • Health
  • Child/Parenting I
  • Child/Parenting II
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience

    • 60 hours min - Teacher Apprenticeship
    • job specific requirements
  • EDUC 111 - Intro to American Educ.


  • CHILD 110
  • CHILD 120
  • CHILD 124
  • CHILD 213
  • EDUC 213
  • PSY 110

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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Early Childhood Education

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  • Software Apps
  • Health
  • Child/Parenting I
  • Child/Parenting II
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience

    • 60 hours min - Teacher Apprenticeship
    • job specific requirements
  • EDUC 111 - Intro to American Educ.


  • CHILD 110
  • CHILD 120
  • CHILD 124
  • CHILD 213
  • CHILD 235
  • EDUC 213

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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Coming Soon . . . .

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  • Software Apps
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Law
  • WBL (Work Based Learning) class
  • WBL experience
    • 60 hours min
    • paid or unpaid
    • job specific requirements


  • CMWEB 135
  • CMPSC 120
  • ACCTG 101 / ACCTG 108
  • MGMT 113
  • BUS 120 / BUS 121

All ICC early college courses

are paid for by individual

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Coming Soon . . . .

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Coming Soon . . . .

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CCRI . . .

CCRI . . .

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CCRI stands for College and Career Readiness Indicator. This ​is one of multiple measures of how well a high school serves ​its students. Illinois has a goal of 90% or more of students ​graduating from high school will be ready for college and ​careers by 2032. The CCRI recognizes the range of ​experiences a student can undergo to prepare for college and ​career. Students can demonstrate the knowledge, skills and ​adaptive competencies necessary for success by earning the ​indicator’s Distinguished Scholar or College and Career Ready ​distinctions.

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  • GPA: 3.75 / 4.0
  • ACT Composite Score: 30 SAT Composite Score: 1400
  • At least one academic indicator in each English Language Arts (ELA) and ​mathematics during junior / senior year (Algebra II at any time)
  • Three career ready indicators during junior / senior year
  • 95% attendance junior and senior year


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  • GPA: 2.80 / 4.0
  • 95% attendance junior & senior year

  • One academic indicator in each of ELA and ​math during junior / senior year (or Algebra ​II at any time)
  • Identify a career area of interest by the ​end of sophomore year
  • Complete three career ready indicators ​during junior / senior year
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  • ELA AP Exam - Score 3 or higher
  • ELA AP Course - Grade of A, B, or C
  • Dual Credit English Course - Grade of A, B, or C
  • Math AP Exam - Score of 3 or higher
  • Math AP Course - Grade A, B, or C
  • Dual Credit Math Course - Grade A, B, or C
  • Transitional Math - Grade A, B, or C
  • Algebra II - Grade A, B, or C
  • Minimum ACT:

English = 18

Reading = 22

- OR -

  • Minimum SAT Subject Score of

Evidence Based Reading/Writing : 540

  • Minimum ACT:

Math - 22 and

Math course in Senior year

- OR -

  • Minimum SAT Subject Score of Math: 540 and

Math course in Senior year

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Need to complete at least 3 prior to graduation

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  • Career development experience during high school career
  • Industry credential at any point in time before graduation
  • Military service or an ASVAB score of 31 or higher during high school career
  • Dual credit course (college credit earned)
  • Completion of program of study before graduation (pathway)
  • Attaining and maintaining consistent employment for 12 months during high school
  • Consecutive summer employment during high school career
  • 25 hours of community service during high school career
  • Two or more organized co-curricular activities during high school career
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For questions regarding these programs, please contact any of the following . . .

  • Kim Klokkenga, DHS Counselor A - C


  • Scott Goley, DHS Counselor D - H


  • Celia Love, DHS Counselor I - M


  • Michelle Mathis, DHS Counselor N - Sh


  • Ashley Seanor, DHS Counselor Si - Z


  • Amelia Roberts, DHS Assistant Principal


  • Lisa Vogel, DHS College and Career

Readiness Coordinator


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